Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year

As we embark on a New Year I can't help but reflect on the one we are about to finish the good and they bad:

1. My precious beautiful baby was brought into the world. An amazing Wednesday that didn't begin like anything else and definitely didn't end like any other day I had ever experienced. Best day of my life.

2. My precious Mary was taken from me. The woman who was like a mother to me, raised me, and loved me like I was her own child passed. It was a cold and rainy Sunday in June and it was the most miserable day of my life.

3. I finished my 6th year of teaching with an incredible team of teachers and began my 7th with that same group. I have absolutely loved working with these people and learn something new from them everyday.

4. I celebrated my 3rd wedding anniversary to the most incredible man, husband and father I know.

5. I welcomed a new niece, Arielle Olivia. Absolutley precious and I can't wait to see how wonderfully she will grow up to be.

Now with 2009 ending and a blog out there with a list of things to do before "30" it makes me want to come up with my own list of things to do not only in 2010, but before I'm 30.

1. Run a 1/2 marathon. The summer before I got pregnant I was running 6 miles a day, and I would love to get back into it and run a 1/2 marathon. I would really love to run a full one, but let's be honest, baby steps.

2. Graduate with my second master's degree. I will be starting up in January and finished by June 2011.

3. Have a second baby. B has brought me so much joy that all I can think about is wanting another to give her a brother or sister.

4. Move into a bigger place and to the suburbs. I have lived in this 1000 sq. ft. condo for 4 1/2 years doing the commute up to the burbs. I'm done. I'm losing time I could be spending with my child and it's extremely frustrating.

5. Lose these last 10 pounds. It's obnoxious already. Note to self...50 pounds should not be gained in a pregnancy when you are so not underweight.

6. Be a better friend. In our busy lives it's easy to put friends off to the side. I am down to a few very close friends and I want to be there for them more and make plans to go out with them once a month.

7. Go on a date with my husband once a month. He and I don't get to go out just the two of us ever, and we need to make more of an effort to do so.

8. Visit my aunt in New Hampshire and my cousin in Washington state. I've never been to either place and my aunt is always asking me to come and visit. I should.

With that said and stated hopefully those things will get accomplished.

So Happy and Healthy New Year!!! Here's to a great 2010.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Break Time

My love-

So I have been on break for officially one week now and I can say that nothing productive has been done. Actually, I have productively effed up your nap schedule as you seem to have completely forgone your afternoon naps. So J will have a lot of fun getting you back on your schedule. I can't help it. I don't like to hear you cry for longer than 30 minutes and I'd rather play with you than watch you roll around by yourself in your crib. However, I am loving this time with you. You make me smile and laugh with every thing that you do. The way you pick up a toy or turn the pages of a book and your little giggles are the cutest and most heart-warming sounds a mother can hear.

Today as I was giving you your bottle you fell asleep in my arms. And I was able to lay down with you and take a nap with you on my chest in bed. I absolutely loved it. You never fall asleep on me and it was amazing. There was a point where I couldn't take it with you sleeping on my chest and had to put you in your crib. And now you never will. Yet, today when you did, there was no way I was going to give up that moment. Braedyn, Daddy and I cannot believe how lucky we are to have gotten you. I know I say this every post, but because I don't write that often I feel like I have to.

I am so blessed to be given this time to share with you. You melt my heart everyday.



Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ten Months

My Dearest Braedyn,

You are now 10 months and 2 days old. My how time flies!!! You are so funny and loveable and everyone who meets you says the same things. Let's see what things do you do since the last time I wrote...You have mastered clapping and "How Big is Braedyn." You still have no interest in walking or pulling yourself up, rolling is your main way of getting places. You have two more teeth on the top. You love people food and are pretty much over the baby food thing. And you LOVE feeding yourself! Your sleeping is unbelievable, you go down about 5 p.m. and sleep anywhere from 5;30 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. truly I don't know how I got so lucky.

Ms. B you are the best. I'm spoiled with how amazing you are. Daddy and I are quite obsessed with you and love you more and more everyday.

