Friday, July 2, 2010


To my incredible husband:
Four years ago tomorrow I married my best friend and ever since then it has been an incredible journey. In the past four years we have gone through 4 jobs, the loss of 4 grandparents and my second mother, moved from the city to the burbs, completed 1 masters degree and well underway in a 2nd, and of course had a beautiful baby. My darling husband, everyday you amaze me. You are so sweet, gentle, kind, loving and thoughtful, and not only with me or with Braedyn, but with everyone you come across. I truly don't know how I got so lucky to have found someone as incredible as you. Thank you for your love, generosity, and support. I promise to always be there for you, and just as we said on our wedding day:
"Today I love you completely, as I did yesterday and as I will tomorrow. I will be there for you when you need me most. I will hold you in my heart just as I hold you in my arms. I will share in your dreams, delight in your joys, and comfort you in your sorrows. I will be your confidant, your counsel, your friend, and your lover. When you are not within my sight, you will be within my thoughts. You are my life; you are my dreams; you are my joy; you are my love; you are my everything. At this moment you are all that I know and all that I see. As we grow old together and our love matures, may we hold on to the passion and affection for each other we feel today." Ani L'dodi, L'dodi Li. I am my beloved, my beloved is mine. I love you-Happy Anniversary!


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