Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rough Two Weeks

It's been a rough two weeks. Two weeks ago, my beautiful baby got Roseola...all was so sad, but she was in pretty good spirits. Then last week she got a terrible cold, runny nose, sneezing. Saturday the runny nose didn't stop, and then there was the 103.6 fever, which came back on Sunday, and stayed on until Monday...doctors appointment we went and the diagnosis was an ear infection...amoxicillin was prescribed and given...and then the rash came on Tuesday, and it became even worse today. My poor baby! Back to the doctor we went...allergic to amoxicillin.

And within these two weeks, I have had to get my classroom set up and begin school. Let me tell you, it's not easy to take off of work when you don't have your s*^t together, and I couldn't feel like a worse mom. The fact that I have to sit here and contemplate what do sucks. I hate that this morning I KNEW the right thing to do was to stay home with my baby...however, I also KNEW I NEEDED to go to school for my students. This is the hardest part about being a working mother. It's the guilt. And the guilt is the worse!!! I hate guilt.

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