Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Slacker Mom

Alright, alright, alright...I'm back on...I'm so sorry but I have been slacking on this blog. To no fault of my own. The passing of Mary really through me for a loop and the end of school was just exhausting. But here I am. So a lot has happened and I have to catch up.

Ms. Braedyn, at your 4 month check-up (where does the time go?) you weighed 13 pounds and 15 ounces (let's just round up to 14 pounds) and were 25 1/4 inches long! Holy cow! My how you have grown. Once again Dr. Monroe said you were awesome and also said we could start you on solids. I tried. I don't think you're ready just yet. I'm thinking I'm going to hold off for a few more weeks. Let's see what have found your feet and are trying oh so hard to turn over. I'm thinking within the next few weeks you will officially turn over. Oh yeah, we stopped the swaddling and you are doing fantastic! I was a little worried you wouldn't sleep if I stopped it, but you have surprised me. You are laughing and talking up a storm and I just love to hear what you have to say.

Now on to some serious stuff...what to do for daycare for next year. If anyone has thoughts, please let me know. Or knows of anyone who nannies, let me know!

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